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How to Set Up an Engaging Sponsorship Page (With Examples)


Getting sponsors for your next event can be a crucial way to gain funding. But, securing a sponsor isn’t always a guarantee, and asking for sponsors in the right way is integral to success. Sponsors must feel confident that you’re handling their money in the best way possible. 

Besides putting together a sponsorship deck, where else can sponsors learn more about your packages and offerings? A sponsorship page on your website! A sponsorship page is a dedicated page on your site where potential event sponsors can learn more about opportunities and sign up. 

In this article, we take you through the steps of creating a sponsorship page from creating the page, adding details, filling in key information, and providing next steps. We also provide examples of effective sponsorship pages from events like WordCamp US 2024.  

Let’s get started! 

Step 1: Create the page 

The first thing you’ll do is create a new page on your website and make it easily accessible. Add the page to your menu bar and footer and link it on your Events page. No matter where visitors are on your site, they should have access to your sponsor page with one click. 

Make sure you’re building a sponsorship page with your brand colors, fonts, and images – the page should look like the rest of your website. You can use the page builder you like best, or try out Kadence Blocks to make the customization process easier.  

Step 2: Add the details 

As you begin to fill in details on your page, start with an engaging title. “Call for Sponsors” is a strong title example, as it indicates you’re actively searching. From there, begin with key details: dates, location, venue, attendees, and anything else pertinent should be covered. Explain why your event matters and is important – if it’s the largest gathering of professionals in your niche, say that. 

Next, write a paragraph on why sponsors should sponsor your event. Keep the copy tight and specific. Highlighting the benefits you can offer. Additionally, let sponsors know what you need their funds for. For example, if you need sponsorships to pay for hosting, equipment, entertainment, and so on, say that.

Step 3: Share key information 

Beyond event details and needs, you’ll want to include key information about your sponsorship offerings. This is where you can link to your deck if you have one. Your deck should be a short presentation, usually a PDF, that covers everything a sponsor needs to know, including detailed information on pricing tiers. 

On your page, present the sponsorship packages. This information can be shown as a list or table. Make sure tiers are clearly labeled and named so sponsors can quickly glance and browse options. You can also indicate how many spots you have available for each tier to create a sense of scarcity. 

Step 4: Provide next steps 

The goal of the sponsorship page is to entice potential sponsors and get them to sign up, so make it easy by providing a form. Alternatively, at least provide contact information, such as an email address, as a next step. 

When providing sponsors with a form, provide a strong call to action with your link, like “become a sponsor” instead of “sponsorship form.” Make sure to ask for all the essentials: company basics, contact information, interested support tier, and so on. The easier it is for sponsors to take the next step, the more likely they will do so. 

5 event sponsorship page examples

FOSS4G Europe 2024

foss4g europe call for events web page

The Free and Open Source for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Europe begins their detailed and clear sponsorship page with a few paragraphs of copy to explain what the event is and why sponsors will want to work with this event. Then, they detail their audience demographics. With over 300 global participants from experts in the field, potential sponsors are prepared to decide if the audience aligns with theirs. 

Next, the sponsorship levels are easy-to-read in a summarized table. They also add in a disclaimer that details how you can customize a package to better suit your needs. 

They link to their deck and end by providing an email for contact. All around, the FOSS4G sponsorship page showcases every crucial element needed in a sponsorship page.

WordCamp US 2024

wordcamp us call for sponsors web page

WordCamp US is a WordPress conference attended by thousands. Their sponsorship page works well because of how the sponsorship tiers are presented. They use naming conventions familiar to the WordPress community, like Admin and Editor, and detail what’s included at each tier. They also display availability, with many tiers only having a few spots open. This scarcity model can make a sponsor act fast.

In addition to showing the competitiveness of a sponsorship, WordCamp puts the application form right on the page. They also include a “what to expect next” section, as well as indicate an openness to collaborating with sponsors to find unique ways to add value, which is an attractive option. 

ACM CCS 2023 

acm css call for sponsors web page

ACM CCS 2023 is a week-long event with a main conference, workshops, keynotes, and more from academia, industry, and government professionals to share leading-edge ideas on computer and communications security. 

We like this sponsorship page because it’s quick, concise, and easy to scan. The key details are given in an appealing overview right away, and their five tiers are presented clearly and labeled, named, and tagged with their price amount. The page is designed well, and the design adds to the organization of the page instead of detracting from it. The event sponsorship drop-down menu with icons is an appealing way to present information quickly. Bullet points summarize what sponsors need to know to make an informed decision. 


saintcon call for sponsors web page

SAINTCON is the largest annual cyber-security conference in Utah and has been held for over 20 years. This sponsor page works well as a landing page of sorts for their detailed event deck, which you can click to download or view right after their introduction copy. 

Beyond this, the page itself uses short, concise copy with unique branding all around to give sponsors a look at how SAINTCON sets themselves apart from competitors. They bring a sense of pressure by letting folks know that sponsorships sell out quickly and to submit an application as soon as possible. 

NACS 2024

nasc call for sponsors web page

The North American Collaboration Summit (NACS) has a detailed and engaging sponsorship page with plenty to admire. The conference has been going for over a decade to bring in professionals in the cloud hosting space. The page offers detailed event and audience information to help sponsors make a decision. 

One of the most engaging parts is the breakdown of the audience so sponsors can see who they’ll be advertising to. In addition to describing their audience, they use testimonials from sponsors to instill confidence. From there, the page presents information on how to move forward with a link to their event deck. It’s everything you need in a sponsorship page.

Get more sponsors with engaging sponsorship pages 

A sponsorship page on your website is an ideal addition to grab potential sponsors’ attention. With a compelling page that shares key information, a link to your deck, and a clear call to action, you’ll be prepared to line up your next event’s sponsors. 

You can easily organize, add, and manage sponsors with Event Schedule Manager from The Events Calendar. The Events Calendar is more than a calendaring solution – it’s a comprehensive suite of event management tools with everything you need for successful event management. 

Our premium plugins also come in an ultimate bundle for comprehensive coverage. You can try out all of our premium plugins in our demo to see how easy it is to manage all of your event sponsors in one place! 

The post How to Set Up an Engaging Sponsorship Page (With Examples) appeared first on The Events Calendar.

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